You can now fully download directly from this page to your computer.
This is practice copy that can be used for your demo. As you will find many various genres in voice-over such as commercial, IVR, Promo, Movie trailer, Audio books, Dialog Imaging.

travel__entertainment_copy.docx |

transportation_copy.docx |

training_copy.docx |

telephone_copy.docx |

retail.docx |

psas.docx |

promo_copy.docx |

multimedia_copy.docx |

medical_copy.docx |

kids_toys_copy.docx |

kids_educational_copy.docx |

inspirational_copy.docx |

health_and_beauty_copy.docx |

food__beverage.docx |

documentary_copy.docx |

dialogue_copy.docx |

corporate_copy.docx |